BATTERY2030+ non-exclusive license to distribute


The URI is used to record the fact that the submitter granted the following license to the BIG-MAP Archive upon the upload and share of a dataset and corresponding metadata within a project (called hereafter a “COMMUNITY”) that is part of the broader BATTERY 2030+ consortium:

  • I grant the BIG-MAP Archive a perpetual, non-exclusive license to distribute this dataset and metadata; this license is limited to distribution to current and future members of the COMMUNITY.
  • I certify that I have the right to grant this license.
  • Current, former and future COMMUNITY members are not authorised to distribute this dataset and the corresponding metadata outside the COMMUNITY in which it was originally shared. The BIG-MAP Archive has no control over and is not responsible for the misuse or breach of confidentiality of the dataset by one or more of the COMMUNITY members, and is not responsible for any data leak or misuse.
  • I understand that, if BATTERY 2030+ as a whole is selected, records are shared with all current and future members of all the COMMUNITIES present in the BATTERY 2030+ consortium.
  • I understand that the list of the members of each COMMUNITY is managed by its project board of directors, or the person or persons appointed by them to accomplish the task of user management, and can change over time.
  • I understand that records cannot be completely removed once uploaded.
  • I understand that the BIG-MAP Archive reserves the right to reclassify or remove any record.
  • NON-LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: I understand that the services of the BIG-MAP Archive are offered on an as-is basis, without any implicit or explicit warranty that data cannot be lost, misused, or re-distributed.

Revision history

2024-06-10 - version 1.1 - License adapted and extended to a BATTERY2030+ license, to include the concept of COMMUNITIES.

2022-11-21 - version 1.0 - BIG-MAP Archive License for BIG-MAP Archive metadata and datasets upload, drawing upon the non-exclusive license.